In the rigmarole of our busy lives, many of us have turned to meditation to find peace and tranquillity. Sparing a few minutes to meditate in a quiet space has become the power nap of the new age workaholic! But how can one reap the full benefits of this meditation? It is here that the multiplier effect comes into play.
Let us begin by trying to understand this multiplier effect in some more detail. In the yogic sciences, each element has its own significance. Chakras, as explained earlier, are the centres of energy in our bodies. When these chakras are energized, through meditation and the chanting of mantras, they correct the imbalances in our bodies at a physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual level. In meditation, focusing on particular chakras helps to correct the imbalance that causes the disorder. When this meditation is combined with the chanting of mantras, along with concentrating on the particular colour associated with the chakra, it is known to release powerful energies in our bodies, purifying us from within and without. This three-fold approach in meditation is called the multiplier effect.
Each chakra has a particular mantra associated with it and also a particular colour. For instance, in Preksha meditation, the Sahasra Chakra, (located at the crown) which is also called the Gyaan Kendra, is the centre for knowledge and purity. Hence, the meditation on this chakra focuses on the colour white, along with the chanting of the mantra Namoh Arhantanam. The colour white is associated with purity and the chanting of the mantra serves to energize the crown chakra, enhancing the generation of pure knowledge or absolute knowledge.
Similarly, for the remaining six chakras there are associated mantras and colours, about which we shall learn subsequently. Here, we shall focus upon the Ajna Chakra (located between the eyes), which governs the abilities of intuition, mental clarity, and visual consciousness. Meditating upon this chakra while concentrating on the golden red colour (the illuminous colour of the rising sun) and chanting the mantra Namoh Siddhanam activates this chakra, which in the medical sciences is equivalent to the pituitary gland (responsible for the hormonal secretions). Meditating upon this chakra improves the intuitive abilities of an individual, opening up what is known metaphorically as the ‘third eye’, leading to a ‘Eureka moment’.
Decision Making
Clearly, meditating on the Ajna Chakra can serve significant benefits in improving an individual’s intuitive powers, perception of issues, wisdom, and decision-making abilities. In the professional arena, particularly in the corporate world, clear and concise decision-making is a desirable trait, particularly at the level of senior management positions. Effective leadership too is manifested through balanced decision-making. It is here that meditating upon and correcting the imbalances in the Ajna Chakra can serve positively. Any imbalance in the Ajna Chakra can lead to distorted decisions, narrow-mindedness, and lack of conceptual clarity when making decisions. Through the multiplier effect (the activation of the chakra with the chanting of the mantra and concentrating on the colour) mental flexibility is enhanced, helping to discern between the right and the wrong. This will be manifested in the individual’s everyday life, providing them with a clear perception of issues, facilitating better judgement, leading to decisions that are more balanced.
[…] Dhyaan or Colour Meditation in Preksha Dhyaan is a technique to correct the aura and thereby address the […]